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Hi, we are a bunch of students who wish to bring you information on the Avengers through this online platform! We hope we could share some information or insights with you and likewise feel free to leave comments regarding your thoughts on our web or share anything about the Avengers.


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This is the section where we proudly present analysis of various texts


Creative Component: 


We have endeavored to create a original video work based on our topic that you surely don't want to miss. Other than fun, we hope you can obtain certain take-home messages from our project. Check out the page and have a more detailed introduction concerning our work.


Why the Avengers?

Text form: Film

By: Winnie

Text form: TV Series

By: Ted

Text form: Merchandise

By: Sharon

Text form: Advertisement

By: Priscilla

We all once have those particular moments imagining that we are the heroes/ heroines

hoping to save people's lives or help creating a better world

We might not be able to achieve this in reality but the Avengers seems do

They are the superheroes/ superheroines seems to exist in our world

Well perhaps, it is getting too real (Baudrillard's Simulacrum)

The "World Building" behind the Avengers is so massive, intricate and phenomenal that we could hardly ignore

Ranging from movies, TV series, comics, advertisements, merchandises, or even a fictional world actualization

Hence we hope our investigation on this seemingly-familiar characters would grant you new insights via various types of textual analysis, supported by some methods and frameworks drawn in cultural studies discipline.

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